More than 62.56 per cent polling has been recorded in the fifth phase of Lok Sabha election today. Fifty-one constituencies, spread over seven states, went to polls in this phase. Briefing media in New Delhi this evening, Deputy Election Commissioner Sandeep Saxena said, people, came out in large numbers to vote including women and senior citizens.

He said, out of 543 Lok Sabha constituency, polls have been concluded in 424 constituencies till today. Mr Saxena said, except a few incidents, polling remained peaceful in this phase.

West Bengal recorded the highest 73.97 per cent voter turnout followed by Rajasthan 63.75 per cent. Jharkhand registered 63.72 per cent, Madhya Pradesh 62.60 per cent, Bihar 57.86 per cent, Uttar Pradesh 57.35 per cent and Jammu and Kashmir 8.76 per cent.

Election Commission has seized unaccounted cash, illicit liquor, drugs, gold and freebies worth over 3360 crore rupees since the Model Code of Conduct came into effect.