Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has said that his Government believed in work and not propaganda. Briefing media persons in Bhubaneswar about the achievements of his government in last two years yesterday, Mr Patnaik said, Odisha government has created a national record in providing shelter security to more than a million households.
He said, commissioning of mega lifts and other efforts have led to the creation of 3 lakh hectare of additional irrigation. The Chief Minister said, for benefit of small and medium farmers, his government has provided rate of interest at 1 per cent for crop loans.
Besides, electrification of 11.5 lakh households including 3 lakh BPL families in last two years, Mr Patnaik said, in a record time, the Odisha government could set up 100 Odisha Adarsh Vidalays where 30 thousand children from rural areas have been enrolled in this quality education initiative. Informing that the State leads in providing universal coverage to mothers, he said, more than 20 lakh women have been assisted under the Mamata scheme.