Voters are waiting for their turn at a polling booth… File photo

Staff Reporter / New Delhi

A five member panel led by former President of India Mr Ramnath kovind, is tasked with exploring the feasibility of implementing the “one nation, one poll. However, it is anticipated that elections under this framework may not take place before 2029.Two challenges arise, first coordinating the simultaneous holding of panchayat and local body elections across the state, second, managing this alongside assembly and general elections.According to the source privy of the matter, although no official stance has been taken, a decision on the issue of implementing”one nation, one poll ” will be arrived at after consulting various stakeholders. Experts assert that conducting panchayat elections falls within the purview of state governments, emphasising that the central government’s involvement would constitute an infiringement on state rights and potentially lead to conflicts with the centre.

The committee have issued public notice on one nation, one poll, inviting input from various stakeholders until Jan 15.The central government main argument in favour of one nation, one poll is centred around reducing the financial burden on the country. They contend that the continuous election cycle disrupts development efforts keeping the nation in a perpetual state of elections focused activities, said an expert.