The Islamic Summit, held its 14th session in Makkah on Friday under the chairmanship of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, issued Makkah Declaration.

The leaders of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States denounced in their declaration terrorism, extremism and fanaticism in all their forms and manifestations, whatever their causes and motives.

The declaration rejected any attempts to link terrorism to any nationality, civilization or religion. It also reiterated rejection of providing any direct or indirect support for groups and organizations that incite violence, extremism and terrorism under any pretext.

The Member States expressed their condemnation of all forms of intolerance and discrimination based on religion, color or faith, as well as denouncing sectarianism, and fanaticism in all their forms and manifestations.

The declaration affirmed that those in charge of social media have huge responsibilities in achieving the goals and objectives of Islamic fraternity and keeping away from stirring chaos and dissent among the members of the Islamic nations.

The OIC Member States denounced the terrorist attacks against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, namely the recent strikes on Saudi oil pumping stations and the acts of sabotage on commercial vessels in the United Arab Emirate’s regional waters, calling on the international community to assume its responsibilities toward preserving peace and security in the region.

It underlined the need to work earnestly in order to counter the political, economic and cultural challenges facing OIC member States.

The declaration underscored the necessity of working toward preserving security and stability and opening venues of investment and sustainable development with the aim of realizing dignified life and prosperity for Muslim societies.
The declaration stressed the OIC Member States’ endeavors to end Israeli occupation of Arab and Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, in accordance with relevant international resolutions, affirming full solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle against occupation and their right to decent life in their independent and sovereign state with AlQuds as its capital.

The declaration emphasized the importance of closing ranks to stand up against terrorist organizations and enacting deterrent laws and controls to counter the scourge of terrorism.

It underscored the importance of standing by those Muslims in non-Islamic nations who suffer persecution, injustice, coercion and aggression. The OIC Member States in this regard reaffirmed full support to those Muslim communities and their determination to adopt their causes in international forums to ensure the realization of their political and social rights.

The declaration stressed the need for the OIC to be cognizant of changes and developments at the international level, which require it to develop its programs and tools to play its role at the regional and international levels such as to achieve consensual joint Islamic action.