and called for inclusion of all sections in the development story should be ensured to take India forward.
He said that for centuries knowledge was caged in India and still efforts were being made to ‘cage the knowledge on the pretext of merit theory’ in the country.

In his inaugural address at the three-day conference on “Towards Knowledge, Development and Peace—Outlining Roadmaps for the Future” to mark the one-year long silver jubilee celebrations of think tank IOS (Institute of Objective Studies) here at the India Islamic Cultural Centre (IICC), Dr Moily said “For centuries and centuries knowledge was caged and it was not accessible to common people, it remained in a cage and I do not want to go into reasons.

Describing the IOS’ Knowledge agenda as the national agenda, he said it was  laudable that institutions like IOS of are now making efforts to make knowledge available to all.” He opined that ‘India could take over US within 30-35 years provided that every section of the society should get an equal space in the knowledge agenda as the country has potential because of its young population. Elaborate the subject eloquently at the colloquium; he said merit theory has been used to deny access to higher education referring towards the 93rd     amendment in the Constitution for providing reservations in IITs and IIMs. He said India can benefit from the demographic dividends if all the sections of the society get equal share in the development and knowledge. Moily, who first introduced reservation to the Muslim community in Karnataka state when he was the chief minister of the state, said everybody is intelligent and only need to nurture his or her talent?

“IOS should get success, and if it gets success, India would get success,” declared Moily emotionally. He further said principle of universality could come only by democracy and transparency, and people in a democracy were governors, not governed. He also said: “When as the Chief Minister of Karnataka I proposed a quota for the entire Muslim community, it was said there would be bloodshed. Then I firmly declared I am ready to shed my blood first.” He concluded democracy and communalism could not co-exist together.

Coming down heavily on the communal forces, the minister said communalism and democracy cannot co-exist. “Communalism is anti-national but those parties which espouse this theory, we cannot call them anti-national”, he added. He has hinted that the ministry is drafting a bill ‘Right to Justice which would make ghettonisation, discrimination and alienation as criminal offence.’ If there is no justice, then country will be a Union of Castes not the Union of States.

Minister of State for Human Resources Development Dr D Purandeswari averred nation should be bonded by cultural internationalism instead of cultural nationalism. She said man had been reduced to a status of a consumer. Eminent sociologist Prof A R Momin in his keynote address dwelt in detail the roadmaps for the future. Guest speaker Dr Vinaysheel Gautam said whatsoever IOS was doing was a remarkable mission to take the Muslim community towards development and peace through knowledge in particular and the country in general.
Presiding over the inaugural function, former Supreme Court Chief Justice A M Ahmadi said nation could not go forward without knowledge, development and peace. He lauded IOS initiatives in this connection and added that India was drifting towards capitalism and witnessing a lopsided development which is not well for health of the country.
Highlighting year-long silver jubilee celebrations, IOS Chairman Dr M Manzoor Alam said the IOS has been striving over the last 25 years to create the bases for enlightened, humane society where the weak are not bullied and frightened by the strong. He said India can only prosper if inclusive development agenda is followed.