Scheme to Benefit Minority Youth with Education and Skills


The Central Sector Scheme “Nai Manzil” of the Ministry of Minority Affairs has been approved with a total expenditure of Rs.650 crores for a period of five years. This includes 50% World Bank assistance of Rs.325 crores. The Finance Ministry has approved the scheme last weekend. While approving sanctioning of 50 percent of the total cost of the project the World Bank representative complemented this Ministry for the preparation of a project of this nature.

Nai Manzil Scheme is an integrated Education and Livelihood Initiative for the Minority Communities. The scheme aims to benefit the minority youths who are school-dropouts or educated in the community education institutions like Madrasas, by providing them an integral input of formal education (up till Class VIII or X) and skill training along with certification. This will enable them to seek better employment in the organised sector and equipping them with better lives. The scheme covers the entire country.

Impressed by the potential of this scheme, the World Bank is said to be considering to recommend this project to countries in Africa faced with similar developmental challenges.

Now the Ministry is working on the operational details of the scheme with a view to improve the monitoring, evaluation and also leveraging the effort of already existing schemes with similar objectives. The Ministry has been pursuing the issue consistently to bring the scheme to ground.