Lok Sabha has been adjourned till 12 noon following opposition uproar on issue of agrarian crisis. As soon as the House met for the day, opposition members led by Mallikarjun Kharge demanded suspension of question hour to discuss plight of farmers. Responding to it Parliamentary Affairs minister Ananth Kumar said, that crisis in agriculture is scheduled today for discussion and opposition members may participate in it.

Mr Kumar said, opposition members should not create hindrances to the proceedings of the House and allow it to function. Opposition members belonging to Congress, TMC , CPI(M) and RJD members trooped into the well of the House and shouted slogans. In the din, Speaker Sumitra Mahajan adjourned the House.

Opposition members belonging to Congress, TMC, Left , RJD and NCP staged a walkout in the Lok Sabha after the House met at 12 Noon after the first adjournment. As the House resumed, in the Zero Hour, Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge demanded immediate discussion on farmers’ plight and suicides.

Speaker Sumitra Mahajan rejecting the adjournment motion said the issue will be discussed as it is listed under 193 in the business of the House . Parliamentary affairs minister Ananth Kumar also pleaded with the opposition members saying the government is committed for welfare of farmers. However, unrelenting opposition members staged a walkout.