Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has said that the suicidal death of Gajendra Singh at his party’s rally in Delhi on Wednesday should not be politicized. He said the real issue why farmers are committing suicide should be focused. Reacting to the death of the farmer from Rajasthan, Mr Kejriwal said whomsoever found responsible for the death should be hanged. He also said the incident took place in front of him and he was unable to digest it.

He said the truth will come out after the inquiry. Mr Kejriwal hoped that if the farmers can get the adequate compensation for their harvest, they will not commit suicides. He admitted his mistake by not calling off the rally after the incident. He said the blame game should end and it is wrong to blame the Delhi Police.

Congress today said, it is unfortunate that such incident happened in Delhi Chief minister’s rally where whole cabinet was present. Reacting to Kejriwal’s remarks over the death of farmer, Congress spokesperson Shoba Oza said that if Kejrwial was sensitive, the farmer could have been saved.

Reacting on Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s statement, Congress leader and former Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit said that Arvind Kejriwal should not politicize the issue of farmer Gajendra Singh’s suicide. She said as a Chief Minister his statement should be much more responsible and meet with the challenges that come up due to a tragedy like this. On the issue of AAP workers allegedly instigating the farmer to commit suicide, Mrs Dikshit said, the Party used to hold dharna, which is not right for a ruling party.

Meanwhile, BJP also lashed out at the Delhi Chief Minister and said that his politics was based on allegations and blame games. Talking to media party spokesperson GVL Narasimha Rao said the Delhi government will now stop getting into confrontation with the Delhi police. He said that atleast now the AAP leaders have realized the manner in which they had politicised the issue.