National Union of Journalists (India), Indian Federation of Working Journalists and National Federation of Newspaper Employees jointly welcome the modification by Press Council of India of its earlier stance in Supreme Court to justify curbs on media in Jammu and Kashmir.
The organisations pointed out that the PCI as a collective body has not yet approved its chairman’s stand. Situation in Jammu and Kashmir has been volatile and government decision to impose restrictions on media has been causing concern. In a joint statement today NUJ (I), IFWJ and NFNE reiterated that Article 19 of Constitution of India provides for only reasonable restrictions on freedom of expression.
In view of this constitutional provision the union Govt must ensure that national interest and sovereignty of India are protected in the valley.
Press Council charter gives it the responsibility to ensure freedom of press; as a statutory body the Council also has a responsibility to ensure that press freedom is not put under unreasonable restrictions even in critical times. We urge the Council to ensure that any restrictions on media in trouble torn Jammu and Kashmir territory pass the test of being “reasonable” and temporary; only in larger public interest, as laid down in the Constitution of India.
We are committed to freedom of press, guaranteed as part of the fundamental right to freedom of expression in the Indian Constitution. We urge the Press Council of India to adhere to its charter to ensure that media functions in an unhindered manner as a responsible organ of the society. We also realise that restrictions on media may become necessary at critical junctures, it is for this reason that constitution provides for “reasonable restrictions” to fundamental right.
Ashok Malik K Vikram Rao CM Papnai
President President President
National Union of Journalists (India) Indian Federation of Working Journalists National Federation of Newspaper Emp