Jharkhand government has introduced Mobile Governance to realise the dreams of Digital India in the state. Addressing a function to mark the 16th Foundation Day of the state, Chief Minister Raghubar Das launched 15 mobile applications in this regard.
He said, approximately 2/3rd of the population in Jharkhand are mobile users and it could be a strong medium to disseminate information about government services, welfare schemes and rein in corruption. To facilitate quick clearance for industries, the state government has introduced ‘Advantage Jharkhand Portal’, the country’s first single window portal.
Mr Das said, poor monsoon has left a drought-like situation in the state and Rs 1398 crore has already been sanctioned for the farmers. On law and order front, he said altogether 77 naxalites had surrendered this year under the surrender policy, a step
towards ushering in peace.