Union Minister for Science and Technology, Dr Jitendra Singh on Friday said that Indian StartUp “Botlab”, funded by Technology Development Board (TDB) under Union Ministry of Science and Technology and led by IIT Delhi alumni, will fly 1,000 Drones in “Beating Retreat” ceremony tomorrow evening.

This will make India the fourth country, after China, Russia and UK, to carry out such a large-scale show with 1,000 drones.
At a demonstration of the Drone presentation today, the Minister interacted with the “Botlab” StartUp team members at his residence in New Delhi. The Managing Director and Engineers of Botlab Dynamics Private Limited were visibly excited by the thought of being the first in India to light up the sky with 1,000 Drones, in one go.

Dr Jitendra Singh said that the Start-Up, Boatlab Dynamics was given an initial seed fund of one crore rupees for Research and Development and subsequently 2.5 rupees crore for scale up and commercialisation by Technology Development Board to develop first of its kind technological project in India. The Minister reiterated the government’s commitment to support more of such innovative and sustainable Start-ups to fulfill Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of making India a Global Hub of Start-up Ecosystem.

Dr Singh said, Botlab in association with the Ministry of Defence has conceptualised the novel ‘DRONE SHOW’ to commemorate the 75th year of Independence. He said, the drone show will be of 10 minutes duration and will showcase government achievements @75 through many creative formations in the dark sky.