Indian Embassy in Warsaw has asked Indian nationals in Ukraine to avoid Shehyni-Medyka border crossing which continues to be congested. In an urgent advisory to Indian nationals in Ukraine, the Embassy said Indians present in Lviv and Ternopil and other places in western Ukraine may travel at the earliest to Budomierz border check point for a relatively quick entry into Poland. Alternatively, the Indian nationals have been advised to travel south to transit via Hungary or Romania.
The Embassy of India in Poland has officials deployed in Medyka and Budomierz border check points who receive all evacuees and facilitate their travel to India. Those who enter Poland from any other border crossing where Indian officials are not deployed have been asked to travel directly to Hotel Prezydencki in Rzeszow where all arrangements have been made for their stay. Transportation charges will be paid at the hotel by the Embassy in case the Indian student does not have any funds for this.