India will boycott Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference scheduled to be held in Islamabad next month if the Speaker of Jammu and Kashmir Assembly is not invited. Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan told media persons that the Speaker of the country hosting Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, CPA meet is supposed to extend invitation to all members.

She said, India contacted CPA chairperson as soon as the information was received that Jammu and Kashmir Speaker has not been invited. She said, it has been decided the venue should be changed otherwise India region will not attend the conference.

Ms Mahajan said, CPA Chairperson had told Pakistan that invitation should be extended to all members. The 61st Parliamentary Conference is scheduled to be held in Pakistan from 30th of next month.

Meanwhile, Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Speaker Kavinder Gupta, thanked his fellow Speakers for the decision saying it was a question of unity and integrity of the country.

New Delhi has further said that unilateral decision of Pakistan not to invite Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Speaker for CPA violates the CPA Constitution. In a statement, External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup, said the denial also goes against the guiding principles of the Commonwealth.