Army chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane today said, India reserved the right to preemptively strike at sources of terror threat if the neighbouring country did not stop state-sponsored terrorism.

In an interview to a News Agency hours after taking charge, General Naravane said, a strategy of resolute punitive response has been evolved to punish cross-border terrorism.

He said, the neighbour’s repeated denial on use of terrorism as state policy would not last long.

The Army Chief said, Pakistan Army’s all-out efforts to deflect attention from state-sponsored terrorism has been a total failure and that the situation in Kashmir has improved significantly after the abrogation of Article 370. He said, Pakistan Army’s proxy war design received a back due to elimination of terrorists and decimation of terror networks by India.

Replying to a query on dealing with Pakistan backed terrorism, he said, multiple options across the spectrum of conflict are on the table to respond to any act of terror sponsored or abetted by Pakistan.

On security challenges along the border with China, General Naravane said, the focus has shifted from the Western border to the Northern border as part of re-balancing priorities.

Referring to the appointment of a Chief of Defence Staff, he said, it will greatly change the way the defence establishment operates and will bring about significant reforms in the entire military system.

The General said, his main focus as Army chief will be to make the Army ready to face any threat at any time.