Staff Reporter / New Delhi

India today made it clear that said it does not negotiate with any country on terrorism and on matters related to the security of the country.

Responding to media queries on the listing of Jaish-e-Mohammed Chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist at the UN, External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said, China has already given its reason why the hold has been lifted.

Mr Kumar also welcomed China’s decision to lift the technical hold on the listing of Azhar. He said the Pulwama terror attack played a role in the designation of Azhar. He said, the UN notification clearly states that Masood Azhar was listed for participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, and perpetrating terrorist activities associated with JeM. He said that listing of Azhar is a diplomatic setback for Pakistan.

On steps Pakistan is expected to take after Azhar’s designation, Mr Kumar said, according to the Sanctions Committee, Pakistan and all other states are required to freeze the funds and other financial assets of Masood Azhar. There will be a travel ban on the individual and an arms embargo to prevent direct or indirect supply of arms to the individuals. He said Pakistan is responsible to the international community to take such actions as demanded by the UN Sanctions Committee.

In a diplomatic victory for India, the UN Sanctions Committee yesterday designated Azhar as global terrorist after China lifted its hold on a proposal to ban him. France, the UK and the US had moved a fresh proposal to declare Azhar as global terrorist by the UN in the wake of the 14th February Pulwama terror attack in which 40 CRPF personnel were killed. A UN Security Council designation will subject Azhar to an assets freeze, travel ban and an arms embargo.

On a query, Mr. Kumar said, India has not received any request from Sri Lanka for any kind of assistance in the aftermath of terror attack in that country.