cabinetIndian Government’s cyber security arm CERT-In has alerted vital institutions including RBI, stock markets and NPCI against the latest cyber attack that has infected thousands of systems globally. It has issued a list of do’s and dont’s to these agencies and advised installation of relevant “patches” to protect against any data breaches.

Nearly 100 countries, inlcuding India, were hit by a massive cyber attack which began on Friday. A new ransomware named “Wannacry” is spreading globally that encrypts


भारत ने साइबर हमलों के मद्देनजर सतर्कता बरतने के दिए आदेशभारत ने साइबर हमलों के मद्देनजर सतर्कता बरतने के दिए आदेश

files on the infected Windows PCs. As per the advisory issued by CERT In yesterday, the ransomware infects other computers on the same network and is also spreading through malicious attachments to e-mails.

CERT-In has advised users and organisations to apply patches to Windows systems to prevent this infection.The attack was first reported from Sweden, Britain and France. Meanwhile, Microsoft has taken the unusual step of re-releasing security updates for some older versions of its Windows platforms to counter the cyber ransomware attacks.