The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is conducting fresh raids at 17 different locations of Prem Prakash including one in Ranchi. The ED team Wednesday reached Prem Prakash’s office on Ashok Nagar Road and is checking the papers. Two AK-47 and ammunition has been seized from the office during the raid.

The central agency is probing the role of Mr Prem, a close aide of Chief Minister Hemant Soren, in MGNREGA and illegal mining scam. Apart from Ranchi, raids are also going on in other states including Bihar, Delhi, Tamil Nadu.

Sources informed that office of Prem Prakash was closed for last several months. Meanwhile, CRPF personnel have also been deployed on the spot.

It is noteworthy that the ED team had earlier raided Prem Prakash’s office in Harmu and Vasundhara apartment on May 25 this year. During the raid, the ED team had recovered a Cambodian tortoise from Prem Prakash’s house.