Gujarat High Court has directed the two aides of Patidar leader Hardik Patel to file an affidavit substantiating the charges made in their habeas corpus petition regarding his alleged abduction.

The division bench of Justices M. R. Shah and K. J. Thaker directed the lawyers of petitioners Dinesh Patel and Ketan Patel to file the affidavit before 4th of next month. Both the petitioners are the members of Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti, PAAS. Court said that the matter was adjourned from time to time as no affidavit was filed despite directives. Petitioners may file affidavit through their advocate as a last chance before 4th November.

The habeas corpus petition was filed when Hardik went missing after a public meeting in Tenpur village of Aravali district on 22nd September. He surfaced next morning and claimed that “a person looking like cops” who threatened him to give up the agitation abducted him. However, the High Court had expressed skepticism about the claim and directed the petitioners to file an affidavit