The launch of India’s latest communication satellite GSAT-18, onboard Arianespace rocket, from Kourou in French Guiana has been deferred by a day. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said, due to heavy cross winds, the launch, which was scheduled for 2 AM Indian Time today, has been postponed by 24 hours.

Arianespace, on its website, said the launch has now been scheduled for tomorrow between 2 and 3:15 AM Indian time. It said, the launcher remains in a safe standby condition.

Arianespace launch vehicle Ariane-5 VA-231 will be carrying GSAT-18 along with co-passenger Sky Muster II for the Australian operator National Broadband Network.

GSAT-18 is designed to provide continuity of services on operational satellites in C-band, Extended C-band and Ku-bands.

GSAT-18’s co-passenger Sky Muster II, built by Space Systems Loral in California, is aimed at bridging the digital divide, especially in the rural and isolated regions of Australia.