in addition to the present 86 cities, with a total of 839 new FM radio channels in 294 cities. It will result in coverage of all cities with a population of one lakh and above with private FM radio channels.
Broadcast in certain categories like information pertaining to sporting events, traffic and weather, coverage of cultural events, festivals, coverage of topics pertaining to examinations, results, admissions, career counselling and availability of employment
opportunities will be treated as non-news and current affairs broadcast and will be permissible.
Public announcements pertaining to civic amenities like electricity, water supply, natural calamities and health alerts as nprovided by the local administration can also be carried by private FM radio.
It has also been decided to allow the private FM channels to carry All India Radio news bulletins. Mrs. Ambika Soni said that it is upto All India Radio to decide whether any fee will be charged for this service.
The Minister said, there are special incentives for the north-east region and Jammu and Kashmir and island territories. Private FM radio broadcasters in these regions will be required to pay half the rate of annual licence fee for an initial period of three years from the date from which the annual licence fee becomes payable and the permission period of 15 years begins.