Finance Minister of Delhi Kailash Gehlot today tabled Delhi Economic Survey 2021-22 during the ongoing Budget Session of Delhi Assembly. The Survey said that the advance estimate of Gross State Domestic Product, GSDP, of national capital at current prices during 2022-23 is likely to attain a level of 10 lakh 43 thousand 759 crore rupees which is at a growth of 15.38 percent over 2021-22. The advance estimate of GSDP of Delhi at constant price during 2022-23 was recorded at six lakh 52 thousand 649 crore rupees which showed a growth of 9.18 percent over 2021-22. The survey said that Delhi’s per capita income during 2022-23 at current prices, has been worked out to four lakh 44 thousand 768 rupees as against 3 lakh 89 thousand 529 during 2021-22, showing a growth of 14.18 percent. It said, Delhi’s per capita income has always been around 2.6 times higher when compared to national average, both at current and constant prices. The survey further said, Delhi has maintained its constant revenue surplus. The revenue surplus has increased to 3 thousand 270 crore rupees during 2021-22 as compared to one thousand 450 crore rupees in 2020-21.

Mr Gehlot also presented a status report of the outcome budget 2022-23 till 31st December last year.

In his address, Finance Minister Kailash Gehlot said, Delhi government is the only government in the entire country which annually presents report card of its various developmental initiatives. He said, through this status report, government tells public about its current status in various developmental policies implemented during last one year. He added that this practice ensures accountability of the government.