The filing of nominations has commenced on Saturday (21st October 2023) for the single phase assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh and the Second phase of assembly polls in Chhattisgarh. The last date for the nominations in Madhya Pradesh for all the 230 constituencies and in Chhattisgarh for 70 out of the total 90 constituencies will be 30th of this month.
Polling on these assembly constituencies in both states will be held on 17th of next month. The scrutiny of nominations for these seats in both states will take place on the 31st of this month while the last date for the withdrawal of candidatures is the 2nd of next month. Scrutiny of nominations for the single phase assembly elections in Mizoram and for the first phase of assembly polls in Chhattisgarh took place today. Candidates can withdraw their names till Monday. In Mizoram, all the 40 constituencies and in Chhattisgarh, 20 out of the total 90 constituencies will go to polls on the 7th of next month.