BJP MP Nishikant Dubey on Saturday filed a complaint with the anticorruption ombudsman Lokpal against TMC MP Mahua Moitra, accusing her of taking bribes to raise questions in Parliament. Dubey has alleged that Moitra was in India when her parliamentary ID was used in Dubai and claimed that the National Informatics Centre (NIC) had disclosed the information to probe agencies.
In a social media post, the BJP leader said, an MP pawned the country’s security for some money. The entire Indian government, including the Prime Minister, Finance Ministry and central agencies, uses the NIC, the BJP MP said. Dubey did not directly name Moitra, who he has accused of accepting bribes and favours for asking questions in the Lok Sabha at the behest of businessman Darshan Hiranandani to target Adani Group and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Moitra also remained combative and kept up her attack on the Adani Group, alleging that charges had been levelled against her at its behest. Meanwhile, the Trinamool Congress has distanced itself from Mahua Moitra’s ‘cash-for-query’ case. Talking to reporters, party leader Kunal Ghosh said, the related person may answer the questions on the issue.