

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that exports will play an essential role in determining India’s position in Global Economy. He said, India was drawing new opportunities in the export sector and is achieving new targets.

Interacting with Heads of Indian Missions abroad along with stakeholders of the trade and commerce sector of the country this evening through video conferencing, the Prime Minister said that at present the country’s exports are about 20 per cent of GDP.

He said, considering the size of its economy, potential, the base of our manufacturing and service industry, it has the potential to grow a lot. He said, when India is walking on the path of building an Aatma Nirbhar Bharat of our dreams, India needs to expand its share in the global value chain. Mr Modi stressed that four factors are very important for increasing exports.

He said, firstly, Manufacturing in the country has increased manifold, secondly, the problems of transport, logistics should be removed, thirdly, the government should walk shoulder to shoulder with the exporters and the fourth factor, which is related to today’s event, is the international market for Indian products.