
Andalib Akhter / New Delhi

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has said that disengagement and de-escalation is the way forward to deal with the current situation along the northern borders. He expressed confidence that while troops are standing firm, the ongoing talks for peaceful resolution will continue.

“While troops are standing firm, the ongoing talks for peaceful resolution will continue and disengagement and de-escalation, is the way forward” said Singh. He complimented the efforts of BRO, which has led to the quantum improvement of road communication in the borders both Western and Northern, while working under difficult conditions.

Addressing the Army Commanders Conference in New Delhi on Tuesday, Mr. Singh lauded efforts of Army and security forces on the western borders. He highlighted the stellar role played by the Army in guarding country’s borders and fighting terrorism and providing assistance to the civil administration in hour of need. He said, synergised operations in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir are contributing to increased stability in the region and the same should continue.


The Defence Minister  said that unconventional and asymmetric warfare, including hybrid war will be part of the future conventional wars. He appreciated the Army’s efforts to develop niche technologies in collaboration with civil industries.

During the Army Commanders’ Conference, Indian Army’s apex leadership deliberated upon all aspects of existing security scenarios, situation along the borders, in the hinterland and current challenges for the present security apparatus.

Referring to the situation along the Western borders, he complimented the Indian Army’s response to cross border terrorism, however the proxy war by the adversary continues. The  Defence Minister  said “I compliment the excellent synergy between the CAPF/ Police forces and the Army in tackling the menace of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. The synergised operations in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir are contributing to increased stability in the region and the same should continue”.

The Defence Minister  complimented the forces for the high standard of operational preparedness and capabilities which he has always been experiencing first hand during his visits to forward areas. He also paid tributes to all the brave hearts for making the ultimate sacrifice in the defence of the motherland. He complimented the significant contributions made by the Army in military diplomacy to further our national security interests by creating sustainable cooperative relationships with foreign Armies. 

The  Defence Minister  stressed upon the technological advancement taking place in every sphere of our life and applauded the Armed Forces for aptly incorporating them.  He appreciated the Army’s efforts to develop niche technologies in collaboration with civil industries, including premier educational institutions and thereby progressing towards the aim of ‘ Modernisation through Indigenisation’ or ‘Atamnirbharta’.  He emphasised that a regular interface of Armed Forces with the emerging technologies is a must. He also remarked that the government is committed in every manner towards the welfare of the Veterans and the Next of Kin of all categories of Battle Casualties and the nation remains indebted to the sacrifices made by vallant soldiers and their family.

He concluded by saying that issues related to “Defence diplomacy, indigenisation, information warfare, defence infrastructure and force modernisation should always be deliberated upon in such a forum. Doctrinal changes whenever required should be made to make the Armed Forces future ready.  The recommendation and suggestions made by the senior leadership in such like forum as Commanders Conference should be deliberated upon and be taken to a logical conclusion with midcourse review and modification if required.  The Nation is proud of its Army and the Government is committed to facilitate the Army in their forward movement, on the road to reforms and capability modernisation”.