Staff Reporter / New Delhi

Communist Party of India (CPI) has expressed concern over report of discrepancy in votes polled in EVMs and votes counted and asked Election Commission clarify this shocking inconsistency.

“There are reports in large number of constituencies in Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Bihar, about discrepancy in votes polled in EVMs and votes counted indicating thousands of votes added. This happened in Begusarai constituency in Bihar also. Election Commission has to reply to this shocking discrepancy. Otherwise doubts on EVMs will continue” said General Secretary of the Party Com. Sudhakar Reddy today.

National Executive of the Communist Party of India (CPI) met on 27-28 May, 2019 at CPI headquarters in New Delhi. The meeting reviewed the campaigns and the outcome of the Elections 2019 to the Parliament. On behalf of the National secretariat, General Secretary of the Party Com. Sudhakar Reddy presented the review report.

The National Executive of the party observed that BJP and its allies could register a big win while the secular, democratic parties including the Left suffered a big setback. In fact, it was a failure of the secular, democratic parties including the Congress party that they could not put up a creditable united opposition to BJP and its allies except in Tamil Nadu. DMK leadership showed its foresight in forging alliance of all secular, democratic parties including the Left and working out reasonable seat sharing.

In such a situation BJP and particularly Mr. Narendra Modi took away the concerns of the people from real issues affecting their livelihood to issues like nationalism, security and so on. During campaign they instigated and utilized communal polarization, jingoism, media, money and state machinery to their advantage.

The National Executive, having done serious deliberations on the defeat of Left, pointed out that the Left in India is facing an unprecedented challenge. The marginalization of Left will have very serious implication on the future of the country. Therefore, the National Executive of CPI has reiterated its position that situation demands the reunification of the communist movement and reworking of strategies and reenergizing of the activities.

Mr. Modi and BJP during the current tenure would unleash forces of Hindutva with more aggression while serving the interests of corporate and big business houses. They will resort to more rhetorics like Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas to keep their grip on masses.

Therefore the National Executive has called upon all mass and class organisations to be more alert and active in resisting the BJP rule.

In order to continue its introspection, the National Executive of the party has decided to convene the meeting of the National Council on 19-21 July, 2019 in New Delhi. Before that all the state councils have been asked to meet and review the election results.