The questioning with Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in the Delhi Excise Policy case is underway at CBI headquarters in New Delhi. Mr. Kejriwal appeared before the CBI around 11 AM. Before that, he paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi at Rajghat with Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Maan.
The CBI has issued summons to Mr Kejriwal for questioning in connection with alleged corruption in the formulation and implementation of the now-scrapped Delhi excise policy for 2021-22.
The investigation in the Delhi excise policy case began last year after Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena recommended a CBI probe, citing discrepancies in the policy. CBI had lodged FIR against 15 accused in this case, for alleged violation of rules and procedural lapses in the policy.
Former Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia who is among the 15 accused named in the FIR, was arrested by the CBI in February this year. The new Excise policy was later scrapped amid allegations of corruption and irregularities in its drafting and implementation.