Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Ursula von der Leyen are sitting beside each other at a table. The President is speaking and gesturing with one of her hands, and the Prime Minister is smiling. Other people are standing and sitting behind them.


Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau could not depart from India after his aircraft suffered a technical snag.

The delegates had not boarded the flight. The information was conveyed to the airport teams well in advance and now the aircraft will take off in the morning on Monday.

“Upon our departure for the airport, we were made aware by the Canadian Armed Forces that CFC001 was experiencing technical issues. These issues are not fixable overnight, our delegation will be staying in India until alternate arrangements are made”, Canadian website CTV News quoted Trudeau’s office statement.

Trudeau is headed back to Canada after attending a two-day G20 Summit in the national capital. Earlier in the day, the Canadian prime minister held bilateral talks with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi.