Theresa MayBritish Prime Minister Theresa May has said she will put together a government with the support of the Democratic Unionists that can provide certainty for the future. Speaking after visiting Buckingham Palace, she said only her party had the legitimacy to govern, despite falling eight seats short of a majority.

May said she would join with her DUP friends to get to work on Brexit. But Labour said they were the real winners while the Lib Dems said Mrs May should be “ashamed” of carrying on. The Tories needed 326 seats to win another majority but, with 649 out of the 650 seats declared, they fell short and must rely on the DUP to continue to rule.

In a short statement outside Downing Street, which followed a 25-minute audience with The Queen, Mrs May said she intended to form a government which could provide certainty and lead Britain forward at this critical time for the country. Referring to the strong relationship she had with the DUP but giving little detail of how their arrangement might work, she said the government would guide the country through the crucial Brexit talks that begin in just 10 days’ time.