Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that BJP is always involved and committed to serving people whether it is in an organization or in government. He said, when in power, the BJP led government works with the mantra of ‘sabka saath and sabka vikas’. In an interview with a news agency this evening, when asked about the ensuing Assembly elections, the Prime Minister said that he can see a wave for BJP in all the five poll-bound states and it will win with an overwhelming majority. Mr. Modi said wherever BJP has been given the opportunity to work with stability, there is an atmosphere of pro-incumbency and not anti-incumbency.

Talking about the farm laws Prime Minister said that agriculture laws were brought for the benefit of farmers but were withdrawn in the interest of the people. He added, that he has always worked for benefit of the farmers and they too have always supported him. He also exudes confidence in BJP victory in the assembly elections across all five states.

He added that when BJP wins, It tries to connect to the grassroots level and leave no stone unturned in winning the trust of the people. He said, for BJP, elections are like open universities with opportunities for new recruitments. With regard to Law and Order situation in Uttar Pradesh, the Prime Minister said that the people of the State have faced problems due to what he said gundaraj in the earlier governments. He said, but in the current BJP government, the daughters are feeling safe and secure even in moving out of homes at night. He said, the confidence among women is an indication of a sense of security. He added that Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has prioritized security without compromising it.

On the issue of socialism, Mr Modi said that the government has no business to do business and the policies of the government should be oriented towards giving opportunities to the people. He said, his priority is to provide homes to the poor, toilets, clean drinking water, and health facilities to them. Mr Modi mentioned that when he talks about fake socialism, it is about dynasty and dynasticism is a threat to democracy. The Prime Minister emphasized that the democratization of political parties is very important.