BJP will favour a coalition government even it gets a majority on its own in the Lok Sabha elections. This was stated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi while interacting with the party workers of Tamil Nadu through video conference on Thursday.

Responding to a question on the alliance, Mr Modi said a strong NDA is an article of faith on BJP.

He said former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee has shown a new culture in Indian politics by successfully running a coalition government with regional parties and gave a voice for regional aspirations.

He said BJP would follow late Vajpayee’s path so that the Centre and the states could work together for the growth of the nation as a whole. He said the BJP would keep its doors open for a coalition with cherished old partners also.

He, however, highlighted that a winning alliance is always an alliance with the people than with political parties.

On defence, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said middlemen played a significant role in procurement for armed forces during the previous UPA regime.

He blamed the Congress for not augmenting the capacity of the Indian Air Force while a few of the neighbouring countries kept multiplying their fleet strength.