BJP has asked Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi to apologise to the country for defaming a nationalist organisation, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).
Rahul Gandhi must express regret for defamatory remarks against RSS or face trial: SC
Sticking onto Supreme Court’s ruling that Mr Gandhi should express regret over his statement blaming RSS for Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination, BJP National Secretary Shrikant Sharma said Congress and its vice president Rahul Gandhi have been exposed. Mr Sharma said Mr Gandhi should not only apologise to the RSS but to the entire country.
RSS activist Rajesh Kunte had lodged a defamation case against Rahul Gandhi for having told an election rally in Bhiwandi in Maharashtra’s Thane district in 2014 that RSS was responsible for Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination. Hearing the matter, the Supreme Court yesterday observed that the Congress leader should not have resorted to collective denunciation of an organisation and said he will have to face trial in the defamation case if he does not express regret.