Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar instructed to further increase the number of Covid 19 tests in all the districts and start rapid antigen tests of people taking shelter in flood relief camps.

Mr.Kumar said those keen to get themselves tested for Covid 19 should not face hassles. He instructed to provide medicine kits to those in home isolation and taking feedback from all positive patients daily via phone call. The Chief Minister asked the health department to equip ICUs of all hospitals with ventilators.

Meanwhile positive cases in Bihar have mounted to 50 thousand 987 with 2,986 fresh cases.This is the single day highest spike in positive cases in the state. 33 thousand 650 patients were recovered and 17 thousand 38 patients are undergoing treatment in various hospitals.298 people so far died due to Corona Recovery rate is 66 percent.

Testing capacity has been increased to over 20 thousand per day. Altogether five lakh 48 thousand tests have been conducted so far across the state.