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Consumption of khoya during festive-season of Diwali in Delhi much exceeds all probable capacity after procurement of milk, leading to sale and use of adulterated khoya for preparation of sweets. Central government should take all possible steps for heavy increase in production of khoya by organised sector and co-operative giants including like Mother Dairy, Amul, Saras, Delhi Milk scheme, Vita, Verka, Sudha etc.

Mother dairy and Amul having appreciable market-share in Delhi should also arrange door-delivery of khoya for bulk-purchasers on advance-booking in a routine manner. Mother Dairy markets khoya. But because of extra-ordinary fat-content, its product is not only costlier but is much hard to use. Mother Dairy should decrease fat-content in khoya to make it softer with its price comparable with that of khoya sold in open market by unorganised sector. Fat-content of khoya can be used for production of ghee and butter.

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