syria-conflictAssad regime in Syria on Sunday step up it assult on rebel-held eastern Aleppo after a divided UN Security Council failed to agree on a truce to “save” the war-battered city.

Shortly after Russia’s veto, the Security Council rejected a rival draft presented by Moscow that called for a cease-fire but did not mention a halt in air strikes.

According to media reportsa Asad Regime forces and their allies were advancing street by street in the eastern sector which has been out of government hands since 2012.

“Clashes on the ground as well as fierce air strikes went on all night and are continuing Sunday, especially in the Sheikh Said district” of eastern Aleppo, said Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

It said regime forces took control of the Jandul crossroads in the northeast of the city.

The latest advances aim to clear the way for “a crucial and decisive land offensive,” said the Damascus daily Al-Watan which is close to the government.