Expresses dismay over acquittal of all accused in the Hashimpura case


New Delhi:  The All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat, AIMMM,  the apex body of Indian Muslim organisations, on Saturday condemned the violence unleashed against Muslims, Christians, Dalits and Adivasis across the country.

It said that the attacks on mosques, churches, graveyards and dargahs across the country were assault on the basic constitutional rights of minorities in the country.

The apex body’s central committee met here on april 4 to deliberate over community, national and international issues. Members from across the country participated in the meeting chaired by the AIMMM President Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan.

In a resolution passed at the meeting, the AIMMM expressed utter surprise at the acquittal of all the PAC personnel accused in the Hashimpura massacre of 1987, and asked the U.P. government to form a high-level investigation committee to probe and find out all those in the state and police machinery who destroyed evidences and misled courts.

The meeting expressed its anguish against the POTA and TADA-like Gujcoca which gives extraordinary powers to police offices in Gujarat and clearly violates human rights. Another resolution welcomed the notice issued by the Supreme Court against LK Advani and other senior BJP leaders in the Babri Masjid demolition case and expressed hope that justice will finally be done in this case.

Another resolution slammed the BJP government’s re-issuing the land ordinance and said that the manner in which this has been done reminds of the Emergency era.

The Muslim apex body said in another resolution that the atrocities against traders and consumers of beef in BJP-ruled states under the guise of stopping cow slaughter will deprive millions engaged in legal meat and leather business of their livelihood.

The meeting also passed resolutions about the situation in Yemen, Palestine and Syria. Apart from AIMMM President, Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan, the meeting was attended by AIMMM Vice President Mujtaba Farooq, Secretary General Ahmad Rashid Shervani, General Secretaries Mufti Ataur Rahman Qasmi and Masoom Moradabadi, ex-MP Muhammad Adeeb, Kamal Faruqi, Rahat Mahmood Chaudhari, Ilyas Malik, Dr Taslim Rahmani, Dr Javed Jamil, Abdul Khaliq, Anis Durrani, Munir Ahmad Khan (Indore), Abdul Qayoom Khan (Srinagar), Prof. Mateen Ahmad Khan (Bhopal), Abdur Rashid Agwan, Prof. Badruddin Al-Hafiz, Prof. Shakil Ahmad Khan, Rasheed Ahmad Khan (IAS Retd), Suhail Anjum, Shaikh Manzoor Ahmad, Prof. Wasim Ahmad Khan, Begum Nusrat Shervani, Abdul Aziz (Kolkata), Amanullah Khan and Dr. Asim Ubaid Iqbal (Aligarh) and Muhammad Asim Qasmi (Deoband).