Samjawadi party’s crisis seems to be settled now as Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav accepted Shivpal Yadav as the new state party president. Meanwhile, on the recommendation of Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav, the state Governor has reallocated the departments to Shivpal Yadav which also includes Medical Education and Minor Irrigation but PWD is not mentioned in his allotment of departments.
According to Raj Bhawan press release issued this evening the Governor will decide date and time for oath of Gayatri Prajapati after discussion with Chief Minister. Chief Minister has requested to Governor to administer the oath of Prajapati who was Mining Minister and sacked on 12th September with another ministerial colleague on the charges of corruption.
According to unconfirmed reports that after allocation of state party presidentship to Shivpal Yadav , Chief Minister might get another responsibility as chairman of state parliamentary board too.
Earlier, the whole day was passed with several speculations while groups of youth brigade of samajwadi party hold aggressive demonstrations in favors of their leaders.
In evening again,Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav held discussion with Akhilesh Yadav and Shivpal Yadav in Lucknow.