A 25-year-old BJP worker was hacked to death at Pinarayi in Kannur in Kerala today. The deceased has been identified as Remith. Police sources said, the incident occurred at around 10:30 AM near a petrol pump at Pinarayi, which is the home town of Chief Minister. The incident takes place two days after the murder of a CPI-M activist in the district.
Police have beefed up security to maintain law and order situation in the district. A large number of security personnel have been deployed as the district remains tensed in the wake of political murders. Kannur has witnessed a series of attacks on political workers in the recent past. A CPI(M) activist and toddy shop worker, Mohanan was murdered by a six-member gang at Pathiriyad in the district two days back. CPI(M) is pointing fingers at RSS for the attack.