Describing the violence in Karnataka as “alarming”, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa wrote to her counterpart in the neighbouring state, Siddaramaiah, seeking protection to Tamil speaking people and their property, hours after he had made a similar plea to her.
Expressing concern, she said “hotels and properties belonging to Tamils in Karnataka are being attacked and damaged. This is an alarming situation and is causing considerable anxiety.”
“I am concerned that the situation in Karnataka is serious with several instances of mob violence targeting Tamil speaking persons and their properties,” she said in the letter.
Amid reports of escalating violence in Karnataka over the Cauvery issue in which Tamil properties including buses were targeted, she sought action to ensure safety for them.
“I request you to take immediate and effective action to provide all necessary protection and security to ensure that no harm is caused to the person and property of Tamil speaking people in Karnataka,” she said in her letter to Siddaramaiah.