cauvery_b_04-10-2012Situation in Tamil Nadu is well under control as no untoward incident has been reported from any parts of the state, says police official. A few cadres of certain smaller outfits who tried to hold demonstrations in front of business outlets being run by Kannada speaking people in Chennai have been apprehended by the police.

The state police have asked netizens not to spread any rumours on the sensitive issue. Interstate transport has crippled due to the unrest in neighboring Karnataka. Vehicles bound to northern states and Karnataka bearing Tamil Nadu registration numbers are piled up near the Krishnagiri border due to the volatile situation in the neighboring state. Lorry owners associations have reported loss of several hundreds of rupees business and stagnation of materials ahead of the Diwali festivities.

Trucks and other vehicles bearing Karnataka registration are being led to the neighboring state as convoys escorted by police within Tamil Nadu side.