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The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi departing from New Delhi for his visit to Ireland and United States of America (USA) on September 23, 2015.Prime Minister Narendra Modi today left on a week-long visit to Ireland and United States. In the first leg of his tour, Mr Modi will arrive in Irish capital Dublin this afternoon and after a day-long engagements, he will leave for New York later tonight. Mr Modi will also visit another American city, San Jose on Saturday and Sunday.

Mr Modi’s visit to Ireland is keenly awaited as it will be an Indian Prime Minister’s visit after a gap of almost 60 years. The focus will be on bilateral ties, specially, economic and commerce.

In the United States, Mr Modi has a busy schedule which includes addresses to United Nations Summit for the adoption of post 2015 Development Agenda, Leaders’ summit on peace-keeping and G4 summit.

The other main agenda of his visit is bilateral engagements with the US and meeting with leaders of several other countries. Mr Modi will visit the West Coast, known as the home of start-ups, innovation and technology and will meet with CEOs of several leading companies of the world including Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple and Tesla Motors to name a few.

Address to Indian community at San Jose and a Townhall Q & A at Facebook Headquarter will also be major events during his visit.

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