The Madhya Pradesh High Court will now hear the case of the burning of Union Carbide waste in Pithampur in the Dhar district of MP on February 18.
A petition filed in this case was heard today by the division bench of Chief Justice Suresh Kumar Kait and Justice Vivek Jain of the Madhya Pradesh High Court. The government had asked for 6 more weeks from the High Court, which the court accepted and fixed the next date.
This petition was filed by the MGM Alumni Association of Indore. The petitioner says that the government has taken this unilateral step without taking the people of Indore and Pithampur into confidence. On the other hand, today strict security arrangements were made around the Ramki Enviro factory in Pithampur. Two temporary police posts were set up here. The police kept patrolling the area continuously.
On the other hand, the Citizen Consumer Guide Forum of Jabalpur has filed a petition in the National Green Tribunal demanding that the state government give an affidavit that the disposal of toxic waste will not harm the land, climate and public health.