The third and final G20 sustainable finance working group meeting under India’s presidency began at Mahabalipuram near Chennai today. The inaugural session began with the Indian chair Geethu Joshi, international economic relations and Chandni Raina from Department of Economic Affairs addressing the participants. The session is co-chaired by the representatives from the US and China.
Akashvani Correspondent report: The G20 sustainable finance development working group meeting today began in the historical city of Mahabalipuram . The hot weather last week has changed with continuous downpour since last evening both at the venue and in Chennai.
Today being a cloudy rainy morning and having a perfect setting to discuss climate almost 100 participants are gathered to discuss mechanisms for mobilisation of timely and adequate resources for climate finance. sustainable development goals, support climate-friendly investments, transition activities and working out with nature related data and making informed investment decisions taking into account environmental impacts and other India is developing a set of voluntary recommendations as part of its deliverables for 2023 to address the challenges and benefit the entire sustainable finance ecosystem.