India’s top annual science prize, Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar Awards were announced today after a gap of two years. This year 12 scientists will get the awards in seven categories. Dr.N. Kalaiselvi, Director General of CSIR announced the awards for the year 2022 in the presence of Union Minister for Science and technology Dr Jitendra Singh.
Named after Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar, the first director of CSIR, these awards are given every in seven scientific disciplines – physics, biology, engineering, mathematics, medicine, chemistry, and earth sciences.
Speaking On this occasion Union Minister for Science and technology Dr Jitendra Singh said that recent G20 summit became a point to showcase India’s tecnological capabilities and it’s economic strength. Launching the One Week One Lab program of CSIR- National Institute of Science Communication and Policy research, The Minister who is also vice President of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR said that It’s time to tell the world what we are doing in the field of science for the public good.
The One Week- One Lab’ program started from today at CSIR-NIScPR which will continue till 16 September. This is a campaign during which each of the CSIR labs showcases their exclusive ideas and technological breakthroughs to the people of the country over the course of one week. Dr. Jitendra Singh said that on the lines of ‘One Week-One Lab’ in future the CSIR will take the opportunity to spread the contributions of its units to the general public through ‘One Month One Theme’ campaign.
Books named Collection of 80 articals of Viggyan Pragati magazine’ and ‘CSIR@80 A Photo journey’ was launched by Union Minister of Science and technology Dr. Jitendra Singh on the occasion. Dr.N. Kalaiselvi, Director General of CSIR said on the occasion that science communication is very important in the present era because and such programs are an interface between Scientific community and general public. She said that NIScPR is successfully doing this work. Professor Ranjana Aggrawal Director of CSIR-NIScPR along with several dignitaries from science fraternity were present on the occasion.