The Red Cross has called for a 24-hour ceasefire to bring in desperately needed medical supplies after fierce fighting in Yemen. It says medical teams and rescuers must access Aden, a stronghold of those loyal to President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, or more civilians will die. Fighting in the southern port city has intensified with Saudi-led airstrikes aiming to push back Shia Houthi rebels.

Russia, too, has called at the United Nations for a truce. It presented a draft resolution to an emergency session of the UN Security Council in New York, calling for a humanitarian pause in air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition to allow the evacuation of foreigners.
Meanwhile Loyalists of ousted President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi have pushed back Shia Houthi rebels in the southern city of Aden.

Officials say the Hadi loyalists have been aided by air drops of arms and communications equipment from a Saudi-led coalition that is also carrying out air strikes.

In the south-east another port city, Mukalla, fell to al-Qaeda militants, who seized a military base.

Meanwhile, two Saudi soldiers have been killed guarding the border with Yemen.

UN Humanitarian Chief Valerie Amos said over the past two weeks, fighting in Yemen has left more than 500 people dead and some 1,700 wounded