The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi being welcomed on stage, at Aishbagh Ram Leela, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh on October 11, 2016. The Governor of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Ram Naik and the Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh are also seen.

Our Correspondent / Lucknow

With a laud slogan of ‘Jai Sri Ram’, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today called upon people to fight against terrorism. Prime Minister termed terrorism as an enemy of humanity. Speaking on the occasion of Vijaya Dashmi at Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh, Mr Modi said, people have to be united to fight against growing terrorism.

The Prime Minister said if people keep an eye on activities of terrorists, it would be easy to flush them out. Mr Modi said those who are helping terrorists and providing shelter to them must not be spared.

Calling upon countries to fight terrorism unitedly, the Prime Minister said, terrorists have no geographical boundaries and can attack anyone anywhere in the world.

The Prime Minister said that it was Jatayu – a character in the Ramayana – who fought terrorism first. Jatayu gives us the message of fearlessness, the Prime Minister said, exhorting 125 crore Indians to be Jatayu in the face of terrorism. He said if everyone is alert, the evil designs of the terrorists can be foiled. The Prime Minister said that the forces of humanity across the world must now unite against terrorism. He added that even those who provide sanctuary to terrorists must not be spared now.

The Prime Minister said that day is also observed as the International Day of the Girl Child. Speaking out strongly against female foeticide, he said we must strive hard to bring an end to such an evil practice.

On corruption, Mr Modi said people needs to show commitment to deal with the problem. He also asked the people to remove the evils from within on the occasion of Dussehra.

On Girl Child day which is being observed today, Mr Modi asked the people not to discriminate between girl and boy child. He said female foeticide should be discouraged. He said, female must be given equal rights in the society.