The portfolios held by ailing Tamil Nadu, Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa have been allocated to Finance Minister O. Panneerselvam. A communique from the Raj Bhavan said, the decision by Governor Vidyasagar Rao has been taken on the advice of Ms Jayalalithaa who is undergoing treatment at a Chennai hospital since the 22nd of last month. The portfolios re-allocated include the Home and Public Departments and General Administration among others.
The release said, Mr Paneerselvam, who holds the Administrative reforms portfolio, in addition to Finance, will also preside over the Cabinet meetings. The statement clarifies that the arrangement will continue till Ms Jayalalithaa resumes office and that she continues to be the Chief Minister. DMK treasurer MK Stalin has welcomed the decision to reallocate the Chief Minister’s portfolios.
The 68-year old ruling AIADMK leader is undergoing treatment for what doctors said is infection and lung decongestion. She is being kept under respiratory support. The treatment plan has been made by taking into account her long history of diabetes. The medical bulletins said, she requires continued medical supervision in the hospital.
When the medical bulletins of the hospital indicated that the chief minister Jayalalithaa would require a longer stay, voices were heard in different political circles and think tanks that an interim arrangement is required for the smooth functioning of the administration.
The Governor’s communique says Finance Minister Panneerselvam is empowered to chair state cabinet meetings also until the chief minister resumes her duties. He is viewed as a trusted aide of Ms Jayalalithaa and has also donned the role briefly as chief minister in September 2001 and September 2014, when Ms Jayalalithaa had to step down from her position as chief minister due to court rulings.