In United States, White House hopefuls Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are set to expand their leads as 12 states and 1 territory go into the delegate count today. The so-called ‘Super Tuesday’ is the biggest day of the US presidential primary or Caucasus season, with multiple states participating to elect the Presidential nominees.

A new nationwide opinion survey released yesterday found both Trump and Clinton well ahead of their closest rivals within their respective parties. On the Republican side, the CNN/ORC survey found Trump leading his nearest competitor Marco Rubio by 33 points.

While, Clinton was seen topping her only challenger Bernie Sanders by 17 points on the Democrat votes.Earlier, in previous delegate counts, both Clinton and Trump have triumphed in three of the four states each in their respective parties. 7 of the 12 states participating in today’s voting are in the Southern US. In fact, those were Southern states only that started the tradition back in 1988. Tired of being shut out of the White House, they decided to band together so as to hold influence on the nomination process.