Uttar Pradesh government has issued fresh guidelines in the wake of rising cases of Corona infection in the state. The order issued by chief secretary of state R K Tiwari directs all district magistrates, senior police officers and commissioner’s of the state to take set of measures to prevent the corona infection to spread.

As per the new guidelines children less than 10 year age and senior citizen will not be able to take part in any public function or procession. Government has already issued order that such functions cannot be organised without the prior permission of administration. After getting permission from administration for public functions or processions it will be the responsibility of organiser to ensure strict following of covid protocol during the function.

All schools except medical and nursing colleges will remain closed from 25th to 31st March in state except those where examinations are going on. Covid help desks will be revived and dedicated covid hospitals will be activated along with the regular meetings at integrated covid command centre to stop the spread of infection further. people will be discouraged to gather at public places in large numbers and it will be responsibility of police to ensure this.