Union Ayush Minister Sarbananda Sonowal today said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Mann Ki Baat programme has been instrumental in promoting Ayush. Mr Sonowal said this in New Delhi while releasing the special issue of Central Council Research in Ayurveda Science’s research journal focusing on the Impact of Mann Ki Baat on Ayush Sector. He said, Ayush has made its identity not only in India but also in the world. Mr Sonowal said, the credibility of Ayush has increased among youth.
Ayush was mentioned in 37 episodes of Mann Ki Baat programme on All India Radio. The Prime Minister urged citizens to adopt a healthy lifestyle, practice yoga, and adopt evidence-based Ayurveda. As a result of Prime Minister’s efforts to promote the Ayush sector, there has been an increase in awareness about the benefits of the traditional Indian system of medicine. The study found that over 89 percent of people reported having benefitted from Ayush intervention during Covid -19. It also highlights that the market size of Ayush has reached over three lakh 59 thousand crore rupees. The manufacturing sector of Ayush has risen eight times from 2014 to 2022.